
We all have days where we need solutions for our day-to-day jobs or side projects. This platform is a step into my thought process when I write software... I have discovered most solutions through blogs, forums, friends and family. This site is my attempt to help next person with the knowledge I have gained thus far.

Who am I?

I choose to describe myself as a professional problem solver, not constrained to a specific programming language, and I am always looking to learn new technology.

My job role states that I am Full Stack Software Engineer. I have developed web applications, data pipelines, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud infrastructure. I would love to move into the DevOps space in the near future.


If you like my blog and you're enjoying the platform so far, I'd hugely appreciate your support in any way you care to show it. If you believe in what I do, there are a number of ways you can give me a hand, and I would hugely appreciate all of them:

  • Contact me to share some of your solutions on my blog. You will get all the kudos.
  • Tell your friends about the blog  so we can grow the network.

For any feedback or queries, you can reach me on

  1. thabolebelo@icloud.com on email
  2. Thabo Lebelo on Linkedin